Course Info

3 Credits per Course


☆Syllabus - Korean Cinema : an international success (Antoine Coppola, 코폴라).pdf

Korean Cinema: An International Success


Course Description

Korean Cinema : the best films to study and the most enjoyable practice! In this workshop, we will talk about the Korean cinema its history and its style from the beginning to the Hallyu (Korean Wave) and nowadays. After this first overview of the most famous Korean movies, we will remake some outstanding scenes. The students will choose some sequences and then we will draw the storyboard and remake and shoot (and edit) the scenes (supervised by the professor).

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture

☆Syllabus - The Korean Wave and Contemporary Korean Culture (Jiseon Kim, 김지선).pdf

The Korean Wave and Contemporary Korean Culture 


Course Description

This class aims to provide general ideas of the Korea Wave focusing on multi-faceted aspects of current trends of cultural phenomenon. Through this class, students are expected to acquire a deeper analytic knowledge of cultural and social issues in contemporary Korea by examining various articles, TV shows, and films with a view to enhancing appreciation of contemporary Korean culture while developing their critical reading of society though popular media.

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture

☆Syllabus - Korean Popular Culture and Media (Jongmyung Lee, 이종명).pdf

Korean Popular Culture and Media 


Course Description

This course leads students to understand contemporary Korean popular culture along with Hallyu and its global fandom. The topics to be discussed including K-pop, K-drama, film, media industry, Korean language, etc. Students will have an opportunity to learn theoretical concepts and critical issues that enable them to better understand Korean culture in academic field.

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture

☆Syllabus - The Korean Wave, Hallyu and K-pop (Jenna Kim, 김제나).pdf

The Korean Wave: Hallyu and K-pop


Course Description

This course examines the evolution of Hallyu (Korean Wave) through the analysis of various Korean contents, including K-pop, K-drama and Korean film. Primarily focusing on K-pop, students will gain insights into its history by exploring significant songs and artists representing different time periods. Also, students will examine the influences of Japanese and Western cultures on Korean popular music by exploring the interconnectedness through key historical events. Overall, students will acquire a comprehensive understanding of Korean popular culture through the study of Hallyu and K-pop.

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture

Political Science

☆Syllabus - Understanding Contemporary East Asia (JongWan Baik, 백종완).pdf

Understanding Contemporary East Asia


Course Description

East Asia is an important region that includes the second and third-largest economies globally and has four countries in the G20. East Asian countries have achieved remarkable economic success since the post-war period but are facing many endogenous and exogenous challenges. Focusing on East Asia, this course will explore the historical evolution of East Asian regional order and the patterns of economic rise, cooperation, and integration in the region. Topics examined in this course include Chinese tributary-based regional order, Japan’s rise and colonialism, the U.S. pivot and US-China rivalry, nationalism, North Korean conundrum, the unification model of two Koreas, economic development of Japan, Korea, and China, territorial disputes in East Asia, and regional economic and security cooperation.

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture

☆Syllabus - Women and Peace in Northeast Asia (Ihntaek Hwang, 황인택).pdf

Women Peace in Northeast Asia


Course Description

This course is premised on the observation that women have historically had a complex relationship with violence and that women's rights and peace are closely related. Particularly, given the experiences of colonial history, Japanese Military Sexual Slavery, Kijichon (camp town), refugees, developmental dictatorships, and democratization movements, the relationship between women's rights and peace in Northeast Asia is different from that of the West. The first half of the course studies theories about gendered politics of violence, invisible violence against women, and the militarized politics of everyday life and care. The second half of the course explores major historical events and issues related to women's rights and peace in Northeast Asia. The purpose of this course is to learn how women’s rights and peace intersect in Northeast Asia and foster critical thinking abilities on the related issues.

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture


☆Syllabus - Northeast Asian Economic Relations (EuiChan Shin, 신의찬, Bongchul Kim, 김봉철).pdf

Northeast Asian Economic Relations 


Course Description

Understanding of critical issues on comtemporary NEA region.

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture

☆Syllabus - Understanding Korean Economy: Growth and Development (Seungrae Lee, 이승래, Bongchul Kim, 김봉철).pdf

Understanding Korean Economy: Growth and Development


Course Description

The purpose of this course is to improve the understanding of the Korean economy in the global perspective. Also, in doing so, the instructors will help the students to enhance their knowledge about theories of macroeconomics, international trade and economic development in the light of the Korean and the other East Asian experiences. This course will mostly examine the century-old economic development of Korea by focusing on the period after World War II. This course will be devoted to review the evolution of the Korean economy during the last several decades and major characteristics as well as the most important policy change of each decade will be explained

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture


☆Syllabus - Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking (Yonggeun Lee, 이영근).pdf

Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking


Course Description

This course is an introductory course intended to provide students with a solid foundation in entrepreneurship and design thinking. Over the past decade, there has been a tremendous surge in entrepreneurship as an increasingly common career path, and it has even been adopted as a legitimate major/minor for collegiate study. During this semester, we will explore, create, assess, and critique all manner of phenomenon related to new venture development. The principal focus of the class will be on the creation and management of new ventures, the ways that they come into being, and factors associated with their success. Based on the design thinking perspective, this is a course of many ideas and questions, and you will be encouraged to develop and defend your own set of conclusions regarding each of these issues. It is also a course that integrates a number of different disciplines, ranging from sociology and psychology to economics, finance, marketing, and operations.

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture

☆Syllabus - Introduction to Sustainable Development(Dongjin Lim, 임동진).pdf

Introduction to Sustatinable Development


Course Description

Sustainable development tries to satisfy people's present needs while maintaining the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It also requires a triple focus on environmental, economic and social aspects. In this course we will explore how nations can balance growth with environmental health. This course also provides students with foundational knowledge of sustainable business theory and practices.

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture

☆Syllabus - Global Career Management (Haena Kim, 김혜나).pdf

Global Career Management


Course Description

This course is aimed to introduce the fundamentals of planning future career search strategies. The course will factilitate each student's career goals, career options and the use of employment search tools. Students will be able to plan, develop and manage their careers successfully.

At the completion of this course, students will be able to :

a) assess personal strengths, interests and skills impact their career search

b) construct a personal CV (curriculum vitae) and Cover letter that outlines individual qualification and skills

c) understand the dynamics of interviewing and present their competency in a mock interview setting

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture


☆Syllabus - Exploring Korean Law and Society (Jompon Pitaksantayothin).pdf

Exploring Korean Law and Society


Course Description

This course offers an introduction to law and society in Korea, exploring the historical development of the legal system from ancient to contemporary times alongside societal changes. Additionally, it provides an examination of various law and society-related areas, encompassing topics such as the constitution, human rights, civil and criminal law, as well as IT and copyright. Finally, the course delves into certain legal challenges, including gender equality (and the rights of LGBTQ+) and juvenile criminal justice.

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture

☆Syllabus - Understanding Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life (Sangyong Han, 한상룡).pdf

Understanding Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life


Course Description

This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of big data and artificial intelligence in the context of South Korea. Through dynamic and participatory approaches, students will gain practical insights into the technologies and applications driving the industry. The course also seeks to enhance students' awareness of how these technologies are applied in real-world scenarios and improve their practical skills.

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture

Practical Korean

Practical Korean: Level I


Course Description

Learn the Korean alphabet(Hangeul), and develop foundation skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, using basic grammar and sentence structures

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture

Practical Korean: Level II


Course Description

In this class, the students can learn the basic Korean grammar and vocabulary that can be used in everyday conversation. Also, the students can improve basic Korean communication skills in daily life by practicing in a practical way based on speaking and listening. 

Required Textbooks/Materials

Method of Instruction/Lecturing

Field of Lecture

Course Code