HUFSan Current Student Applications
(한국외대 재학생)
(~June 27)
Eligibility (자격 요건)
The students on leave of absence cannot take an ISS course
(휴학생은 신청 불가)
The students cannot take more than 6 credits in total during vacation per semester
(학기당 계절학기 도합 6학점 초과 불가)
The students who took more than 7 semesters (8th, 9th semester) are not allowed
(7학기 초과 수강 한 학생들은 참여 불가, 7학기 재학 중인 학생은 가능)
The students who took more than 24 credits from credit exchange cannot get credits
(교류학점이 총합 24학점이 넘을 경우 학점 인정 불가)
The students can take a total of 6 credits including HUFS ISS and the regular summer semester at HUFS
(본교 계절학기 수강 시 6학점이 넘지 않는 학점 내에서 국제여름학기 강좌 수강 가능)
학점 인정 관련 주요 공지사항
학점 인정 신청 완료된 강의는 학점 인정 취소 및 재수강 불가
학점 인정 확인서 미제출시 학점 인정 불가 (프로그램 종료 후 별도 요청 예정)
Apply for ISS(~6/27 for HUFSan Students)
Google Form Application(구글폼 신청)
Complete the basic application for the ISS.
You will upload the following 4 files in the application:
Copy of HUFS student ID (한국외대 모바일학생증 캡쳐본)
ID Photo (증명사진)
Transcripts (성적증명서)
Certificate of Current Enrollment (재학증명서)
Dormitory application Form (Optional) - 기숙사 신청서(선택)
TB test result (X-ray Only/Dormitory applicants only) - 결핵검사지
You will need a Google Account to do this. If you do not have a Google account, you can send them to by email.
Pay the Application/Tuition Fee
Due Date: July 7, 2025
Wire your payment to: 우리은행 1005-401-618491
Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies Branch
HUFS Faculty Building, 1st floor
107 Imun-Ro, Dongdaemun-Gu, Seoul, Korea 02450
Account Number : 1005-401-618491
Account Name : Hankuk University of Foreign Studies