Tuition & Scholarships

2024 Tuition Fee(KRW)

※ 한국외대 재학생 수강료 50% 감면 적용된 금액


A limited number of scholarships will be provided to qualified students who fall into one of these categories mentioned below. If you are interested in being considered for a scholarship, fill out our online application for ISS scholarships and submit supporting documents by email attachment before the deadline.

Application Deadline for Scholarships

April 30


General Conditions

Scholarship Criteria


Available Scholarships

Early Bird Applicants

10% Tuition Fee Discount

Documents to submit:

     1. Application Completed by Thursday, March 31, 2024

Students from HUFS' Partner Universities

10% Tuition Fee Discount

Offered to any student* from a HUFS partner university/자매대학교 재학생.

*Officially designated "exchange students" should not apply for this scholarship.

Documents to submit:

    1. Proof of student status at a HUFS partner university

   (e.g. copy of current academic year registration, letter from Study Abroad office certifying that you are an enrolled student, etc.)

다시 만나(Come to HUFS, Meet Again)

10% Tuition Fee Discount

2022 or 2023 HUFS ISS Participants who achieved a grade of B+ or higher for the summer session. 

Documents to submit:

1. HUFS ISS Transcript (of 2022 or 2023)

Outstanding Academic Record

10% Tuition Fee Discount

College Transcripts / 학업성적 우수 장학금

Open to international students who have completed at least one full academic year of study

Documents to submit:

    1. Letter of application explaining why you deserve a scholarship

    2. Your university transcript (showing GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale or 3.9 on a 4.5 scale)

Child of HUFS Alumnus

25% Tuition Fee Discount

외대동문 자녀 장학금

Documents to submit:

     1. Copy of parent's HUFS diploma

Korean/East Asian Studies Majors

10% Tuition Fee Discount

Open to any international student majoring in Korean Studies, East / Asian Studies or closely related field, e.g. Asian Business, Asian Perfoming Arts, etc./한국학 또는 아시아학 전공자.

Documents to submit:

    1. Letter of application stating your major and explaining why you want to participate in ISS.

    2. Your university transcript

Refund Policy

Field Trip Fee

Tuition Fee

Dormitory Fee